Healthcare sector financials

Highest Mkt Cap
#3 of 49
$55 B
#31 of 49
18 %
Big data can be used in to identify disease patterns and predict epidemics. Big data can also be used to optimize treatment plans by analyzing large amounts of patient data and identifying the most effective treatments for specific conditions. Big data is being used to improve patient outcomes by providing personalized treatment recommendations based on individual patient characteristics.

0 FDA approvals in Big Data

How Big Data is Revolutionizing Healthcare

The Impact of Big Data

"Big data has the potential to revolutionize by allowing researchers and medical professionals to identify patterns and trends in outcomes and develop more effective treatments and prevention strategies. It can also help reduce costs by identifying inefficiencies and improving patient outcomes." - National Institutes of Health, June 30, 2021

Using Big Data to Improve Patient Care

"Big data analytics can help providers to better understand their patient populations and tailor care to individual patients. This can lead to better outcomes, reduced costs, and improved quality of care." - Health IT Analytics, January 11, 2021

Big Data and Precision Medicine

"Big data can enable precision medicine by providing insights into how individual patients are likely to respond to different treatments based on their genetic makeup, history, and other factors. This can lead to more personalized and effective treatments." - Health IT Analytics, February 10, 2021

Challenges of Big Data

"The use of big data in presents several challenges, including data privacy and security concerns, data quality and accuracy, and the need for advanced analytical tools and expertise. Addressing these challenges will be critical to realizing the full potential of big data in healthcare." - The National Law Review, October 1, 2021

Investor sentiment

MarketsandMarketsApril 2021

"...The global big data analytics market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 25% during the forecast period 2021-2026, driven by the increasing adoption of big data analytics in for population management, clinical decision support, and revenue cycle management, and the growing need for efficient and personalized services."

ResearchAndMarketsJune 2021

"...The global big data analytics market is expected to reach $68.03 billion by 2027, driven by the increasing adoption of big data analytics in for population management, clinical decision support, and revenue cycle management, and the growing need for data-driven and patient-centric services."

Sector leaders


    Hortonworks is a leading provider of enterprise-grade, open source Apache Hadoop data management platform.


    Cloudera is a modern platform for machine learning and analytics optimized for the cloud.


    Talend provides cloud data integration and integrity solutions.
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