Healthcare sector financials

Lowest Mkt Cap
#44 of 49
$5 B
Lowest CAGR
#46 of 49
12 %
Health Information Exchanges allow for the secure sharing of patient data between organizations, improving care coordination and reducing medical errors. HIEs can also help public officials quickly identify and respond to disease outbreaks. The first HIE was established in Santa Barbara, California in 1998.

0 FDA approvals in Health Information Exchange (HIE)

Improved Coordination of Care

"HIEs allow providers to securely access and share patient information, leading to improved coordination of care and better patient outcomes." - Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, December 2020

Reduced Costs

"By reducing duplication of tests and procedures, HIEs can help lower costs... Additionally, HIEs can reduce administrative costs associated with record-keeping and paper-based processes." - Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, November 2021

Public Health Benefits

"HIEs can also improve public by facilitating disease surveillance, outbreak management, and bioterrorism response." -, January 2022

Investor sentiment

MarketsandMarketsApril 2021

"...The global information exchange market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 10% during the forecast period 2021-2026, driven by the increasing adoption of HIE solutions in for better care coordination, population management, and analytics, and the growing need for seamless and secure data exchange."

ResearchAndMarketsJune 2021

"...The global information exchange market is expected to reach $2.45 billion by 2027, driven by the increasing adoption of HIE solutions in for better care coordination, patient safety, and analytics, and the growing need for interoperable and scalable HIE platforms."

Sector leaders


    Allscripts works with providers to help them connect to other systems and enable HIEs, as well as providing its own HIE solutions.

    Epic Systems

    Epic's HIE platform, Care Everywhere, allows for the sharing of clinical information among different EHR systems to support coordinated care.


    Cerner offers solutions for HIE, population management, and interoperability to enable the exchange of clinical information between different systems.
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