Low Mkt Cap
#30 of 49
$10 B
#19 of 49
22 %
UV-C light, a type of ultraviolet light, is often used in infection control technology to kill bacteria and viruses. Some infection control technology uses air ionizers to purify the air and remove pathogens. The use of robots for cleaning and disinfecting hospital rooms is also becoming more common.
0 FDA approvals in Infection Control Technology
Reduced Risk of Healthcare-Associated Infections
"Infection control technology can help reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections by providing advanced disinfection and sterilization capabilities." - Infection Control Today, January 2022
Real-Time Monitoring
"Infection control technology can provide real-time monitoring of environmental conditions, allowing providers to quickly identify and respond to potential infection risks." - HealthTech Magazine, February 2022
Improved Patient Safety
"Infection control technology can help improve patient safety by reducing the risk of infection transmission in settings." - Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, March 2022
Investor sentiment
MarketsandMarketsJune 2021
"...The global infection control market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 13% during the forecast period 2021-2026, driven by the increasing incidence of healthcare-associated infections, the growing adoption of infection control products and solutions, and the rising focus on patient safety and infection prevention in facilities."
ResearchAndMarketsMarch 2021
"...The global infection control market is expected to reach $56.83 billion by 2027, driven by the increasing prevalence of infectious diseases, the growing demand for infection control products and services, and the rising awareness about the importance of infection prevention and control in facilities."
Sector leaders
Xenex Disinfection Services
Xenex Disinfection Services’ LightStrike robots have been deployed in hospitals to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
Tru-D SmartUVC
Tru-D SmartUVC uses ultraviolet (UV) light to disinfect patient rooms and equipment.