Healthcare sector financials

Lowest Mkt Cap
#46 of 49
$3.5 B
#15 of 49
23 %
IoMT devices can be used to monitor patients remotely, allowing professionals to provide care from a distance. Some IoMT devices, like smart inhalers for asthma, can provide personalized treatment plans based on real-time data. The use of IoMT devices is expected to continue to grow rapidly in the coming years.

0 FDA approvals in Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)

Remote Patient Monitoring

"IoMT devices can be used for remote patient monitoring, allowing providers to monitor patient data in real-time and make more informed decisions about patient care." - HealthTech Magazine, October 2021

Improved Patient Outcomes

"IoMT devices can help improve patient outcomes by providing continuous monitoring and early detection of potential issues." - Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, January 2022

Efficient Healthcare Operations

"IoMT can help improve operations by streamlining workflows, reducing administrative burden, and improving supply chain management." - Journal of Medical Internet Research, March 2022

Investor sentiment

MarketsandMarketsMay 2021

"...The global Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 21% during the forecast period 2021-2026, driven by the increasing adoption of connected medical devices and platforms, the growing demand for remote patient monitoring and tele services, and the rising investments in digital infrastructure."

ResearchAndMarketsApril 2021

"...The global Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) market is expected to reach $254.2 billion by 2026, driven by the increasing adoption of connected medical devices and platforms, the growing demand for real-time and secure data analytics, and the rising need for remote patient monitoring and tele services."

Sector leaders

    IBM Watson Health

    IBM Watson Health is developing IoMT products that use AI and big data to provide better medical insights, including the Watson Health Imaging Clinical Review platform for radiologists and the IBM Micromedex with Watson, a drug information platform that can be integrated into EHR systems.

    Philips Healthcare

    Philips Healthcare is developing a range of IoMT products, including the Philips eICU program, which uses remote monitoring to improve patient outcomes in critical care units, and the Philips Lumify portable ultrasound system, which can be used with a smartphone or tablet to provide high-quality medical imaging in a variety of settings.

    GE Healthcare

    GE Healthcare is developing IoMT products that use AI and big data to provide better medical insights, including the GE Healthcare Edison platform, which uses AI to analyze medical images and provide clinicians with diagnostic insights, and the GE Healthcare Carestation 650 anesthesia system, which uses IoMT technology to deliver personalized care to patients.
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